Five Things to Keep in Mind When Moving Into A Smaller Home

According to a survey by Trulia, 60% of Americans would rather move from their large homes to small homes. There has been an increase in the preference for smaller spaces in America.

If you are one of those people thinking about moving to a smaller home, you should know the following:

1. You Will Have To Change Your Habits

If you are moving from a large house to a smaller home, you must be prepared to be a minimalist. No more going to the garage or basement to look for an old CD that you have just realized you want to watch again.

Since space will be small, you will move in with a few things, and the number of rooms will be limited. Therefore, be prepared to work with what is there.

2. Know Your Items

You need to know about everything you own before moving into a smaller space to avoid inconveniences. For example, you don’t want a situation whereby you move into a new apartment and find out that the sofa does not fit in the living room or the bed is too big for the bedroom.

Knowing your items also allows you to know which items to sell or give away to your relatives.

3. Make Sure Your New Home Has Sufficient Storage

Since there are some things that you can’t let go, you need to make room for those items in your new home. Before you move in, analyze the storage space of your small apartment and call a handyman to install more cabinets if it is not enough.

For example, you can add more drawers in the kitchen for storing your cereals or install more wall shelves in the living room for books.

4. You Need To Stay Motivated

You may decide to move to a smaller space because you want to try out something different for a change or because you are going through some financial difficulties. Either way, you are human, and you are bound to have second thoughts about the decision at some point.

One strategy that you can use to stay motivated is to start an inspiration file where you can add pictures of well decorated small spaces or positive articles about small homes. The attachments keep you inspired and help you stick to your decision.

5. Consider Renting A Storage Space

It is not a guarantee that you will sell all the excess items from your old house. Therefore, as a last resort, you should consider hiring a storage space to keep all the remaining things. Alternatively, if you are moving into a smaller space due to financial difficulties, you can use the storage as a temporary shelter until things get back on track.


Depending on your reasons for moving into a smaller space, the above points can come in handy. You don’t need to do all the things mentioned, go with whatever you feel is right for you and the rest will follow.

Moving Checklist for Planning Your Denver, CO Relocation

Moving cross-country differs from moving across the city or county. There will be no driving to the old neighborhood to get papers or notify someone of the move. Moving to Denver will take careful planning and lots of footwork. Ready? Let’s roll!


Eight Weeks Out

Employ a real estate agent in Denver to locate a house. Put yours up for sale.

Go through the house with a notebook and pen. List everything in the house. Moving company quotes are based on box count and furnishings.

Research moving companies. Locate one that is bonded and insured, and check the scam websites for the company’s veracity. Get a quote.

Six Weeks Out

Book your moving company. Order boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, and labels.

Book a cleaning company for the week you move.

Four Weeks Out

Collect all school records, shot records, medical records, legal and financial records.

You won’t have to worry about tags, insurance, and licenses until you’ve been in Denver 30 days.

You’ll need to notify your attorney, accountant, and credit card companies of the move.

Begin packing. Remember to pack a box for the day of the move. Include personal hygiene products, medications, clothing, and snacks for the drive. This box will go in the car with you.

Three Weeks Out

Moving companies won’t carry items such as flammables, paint cans, and gas cylinders for the grill. Pack them in the car or lose them.

Begin gifting, donating, or otherwise losing unwanted and unused items. Schedule a Salvation Army or Goodwill truck to pick up leftover, unwanted items.

Get the car tuned up, replace the tires, and check the brakes.

If you see that you’ll need a storage unit, then make the arrangements now.

Two Weeks Out

Schedule utility stops at the old address and turning them on at the new address:

  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Gas
  • Landline telephone
  • Cable/satellite service
  • Sewer and trash services

Empty your safe-deposit box.

Confirm moving day with the moving company.

Get out plenty of cash for gas, food, and emergencies on the way to Denver.

Remember whatever will make your pet comfortable on moving day. He or she’ll be uneasy and frightened at all the hullabaloo.


One Week Out

Change your address online at

Begin to empty the fridge of food that will spoil.

Have the packing finished at least three days before the move.

Moving Day

Clean out the fridge. Take out all trash in the house.

Make sure the “moving day” box is in the car, and that you have pet food and water dishes for your pet. A blanket or bed he or she loves will make them feel better.

Do a last walk around the house after the movers have finished. Close and lock all the doors and windows.

Make sure you get the cell phone numbers of the movers. They will need to know if you’re stopping for potty breaks, food, or any emergencies.